

Department of Software Engineering – Faculty of Information Technology
Office Location: 3rd Floor, Administration Building, Hanoi University of Agriculture
Telephone: 84.4. …
Email: dtnham [at]

Degrees and experience Teaching Scientific research Publications Academic honors CV

Degrees and experience

  • Degrees and experience content here
  • Degrees and experience content here
  • Degrees and experience content here
  • Degrees and experience content here


  1. Teaching subject here, teaching subject here, teaching subject here, teaching subject here, teaching subject here,
  2. Teaching subject here, teaching subject here, teaching subject here, teaching subject here, teaching subject here,
  3. Teaching subject here, teaching subject here, teaching subject here, teaching subject here,
  4. Teaching subject here, teaching subject here, teaching subject here, teaching subject here,

Scientific research

  • Research Interests content here. Research Interests content here. Research Interests content here
  • Research Interests content here. Research Interests content here. Research Interests content here
  • Research Interests content here. Research Interests content here. Research Interests content here
  • Research Interests content here, Research Interests content here.
  • Research Interests content here


  • Publication item here, content here. Publication item here, content here. Publication item here, content here
  • Publication item here, content here. Publication item here, content here. Publication item here, content here
  • Publication item here, content here. Publication item here, content here. Publication item here, content here
  • Publication item here, content here. Publication item here, content here. Publication item here, content here
  • Publication item here, content here

Academic honors

  • Academic honor item here…
  • Academic honor item here…
  • Academic honor item here…