Applied Maths-Informatics

1. Training objectives and outcomes

1.1. Common purpose

To train specialized engineers in applied information technology in the field of information technology with ethical qualities, having political and professional qualifications in solid and good health for the cause of industrialization and modernization. agriculture and the country. Have a serious professional attitude, work independently and in a team, have the ability to cooperate and manage resources. Mastering the basic and specialized knowledge of the mathematical background of the discipline. Learners have the ability to think about mathematical logic to solve discrete relations problems in Informatics and practical applications. Learners are able to apply the knowledge and skills of mathematical reasoning in order to support the analysis, research, evaluation, forecasting and optimization of practical issues in information technology;

1.2. Learning Out Come

About Career Profiles: Graduates can choose from the following professions:

– Programmer

– Website design and management

– Software Testing Specialist

– Building and managing data

– Project management

– Game development

– Computer Engineering

About proficiency records: After completing this program, students have the ability to:

– Ability to read and understand English-specific IT documents and to use good English in activities related to the profession of training.

– Identify social issues, have good ethics and act / behave appropriately.

– Ability to analyze, design and build calculation system, management information, application software programs to solve mathematical problems and informatics arising in practice.

– Ability to design, develop and evaluate the quality of computer hardware and software systems, management information systems, control systems …

– Building and developing projects, systems as well as solutions, applied products of Mathematics and Information Technology according to the actual needs of some scientific-technical problems, Finance, Management, etc.

– Ability to communicate and work effectively in a team.

– Be aware of the need to constantly improve your education, professional capacity and skills to maintain and improve your soft skills.

1.3. Training time: 5 Years

1.4. Education program

Year Semeter Ordinal
Module Course code Credits Lecture Practice  Prerequisite course Course code  Prerequisite

The minimum number of credits required


1 1 Principle of Marxism and Leninism 1 ML01001 2 2 0       Mandatory 0
1 2 Introduction to laws ML01009 2 2 0       Mandatory
1 3 Basics of informatics TH01001 3 2 1       Mandatory
1 4 General physics A TH01002 3 2 1       Mandatory
1 5 Linear algebra TH01006 3 3 0       Mandatory
1 6 Analysis TH01012 3 3 0       Mandatory
1 7 Pre english SN00010 1 1 0       Mandatory
1 8 Theory of Physical education GT01016 1 0,5 0,5       Mandatory
1 9 Guidelines for National Defense and Security of Vietnam Communist Party QS01011 2 2 0       Mandatory
2 10 Principle of Marxism and Leninism 2 ML01002 3 3 0 Principle of Marxism and Leninism 1 ML01001 2 Mandatory 0
2 11 Electronics applied in informatics TH01020 2 1,5 0,5 General physics A TH01002 2 Mandatory
2 12 Probability and Statistics PTH01001 3 2,5 0,5       Mandatory
2 13 Advanced programming PTH02001 3 2 1 Basics of informatics TH01001 2 Mandatory
2 14 Databases PTH02005 3 2,5 0,5 Basics of informatics TH01001 2 Mandatory
2 15 Discrete mathematics PTH02014 3 3 0 Linear algebra TH01006 2 Mandatory
2 16 English 0 SN00011 2           Mandatory
2 17 Athletics, Thletics Aerobic, Gymnastics, Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton, Chess, Dance Sport, Swimming Chọn 2/9 học phần GDTC: GT01017, GT01018, GT01019, GT01020, GT01021, GT01022, GT01023, GT01014, GT01015 1 0 1       Mandatory
2 18 Defence warker – security QS01012 2 2 0       Mandatory
2 19 Soft skills KN01001/


3 20 English 1 SN01032 3 3 0 English 0 SN00011 3 Mandatory 0
3 21 Data structures and Algorithms PTH02003 3 2 1 Advanced programming PTH02001 2 Mandatory
3 22 System analysis and design PTH02007 3 2 1 Databases PTH02005 2 Mandatory
3 23 Computer architectures and Micro-processing PTH02009 3 2 1 Electronics applied in informatics TH01020 2 Mandatory
3 24 Data analysis PTH02016 2 1,5 0,5 Probability and Statistics PTH01001 2 Mandatory
3 25 Database management systems PTH03101 3 2 1 Databases PTH02005 2 Mandatory
3 26   QS01013 6 1,5 4,5       Mandatory
4 27 English 2 SN01033 3 3 0 English 1 SN01032 3 Mandatory 2
4 28 Ho Chi Minh Idcology ML01005 2 2 0 Principle of Marxism and Leninism 2 ML01002 2 Mandatory
4 29   PSN01020 2 1 1       Mandatory
4 30 Data structures and Algorithms 2 PTH02004 3 2 1 Data structures and Algorithms PTH02003 2 Mandatory
4 31 Object-oriented programming PTH03103 3 2 1 Data structures and Algorithms PTH02003 2 Mandatory
4 32 Communication skills PSN01027 2 1 1       Optional
4 33 Databases 2 PTH02006 3 2,5 0,5 Databases PTH02005 2 Optional
4 34 Coding theory and applications PTH03302 3 2,5 0,5 Linear algebra TH01006 2 Optional
4 35 General knowledge of Services and Arms in the VPA QS01014 1 0,5 0,5       Mandatory


5 36 Multivariate functions TH01021 3 3 0 Analysis TH01012 2 Mandatory 3
5 37 Numerical methods PTH02017 3 2,5 0,5 Analysis TH01012 2 Mandatory
5 38 Computer networks PTH02012 3 2,5 0,5 Basics of informatics TH01001 2 Mandatory
5 39 Java programming PTH03104 3 2 1 Object-oriented programming PTH03103 2 Mandatory
5 40 Web application development PTH03108 3 2 1 Basics of informatics TH01001 2 Optional
5 41 Scientific approach methodologies PSN01023 2 2 0       Optional
5 42 Soft skills PSN02008 2 1 1       Optional
6 43 Java programming 2 PTH03105 3 2 1 Java programming PTH03104 2 Mandatory 3
6 44 Software engineering PTH03111 3 2 1 System analysis and design PTH02007 2 Mandatory
6 45 Optimization PTH03301 3 2 1 Linear algebra TH01006 2 Mandatory
6 46 Partial differential equations and applications PTH03309 3 2 1 Numerical methods PTH02017 2 Mandatory
6 47 Developing applications on Windows platform PTH03106 3 2 1 Database management systems PTH03101 2 Optional
6 48 Computer and network security PTH03214 3 2 1 Computer networks PTH02012 2 Optional
6 49 Principles of operating systems PTH02010 3 2,5 0,5 Computer architectures and Micro-processing PTH02009 2 Optional


7 50 Automata and formal languages PTH02015 3 2,5 0,5 Discrete mathematics PTH02014 2 Mandatory 3
7 51 Convex optimization and applications PTH03314 3 3 0 Multivariate functions TH01021 2 Mandatory
7 52 Applied statistics and prediction PTH03304 3 3 0 Probability and Statistics PTH01001 2 Mandatory
7 53 Mathematical foundation of fuzzy systems PTH03312 3 2 1 Analysis TH01012 2 Mandatory
7 54 Developing applications for mobile devices PTH03107 3 2 1 Java programming PTH03104 2 Optional
7 55 Data mining PTH03305 3 2 1 Probability and Statistics PTH01001 2 Optional
7 56 Partial differential equations and applications 2 PTH03310 3 2 1 Partial differential equations and applications PTH03309 2 Optional
8 57 Revolutionary guideline of Vietnamese Communist Party ML01004 3 3 0 Ho Chi Minh Idcology ML01005 2 Mandatory 3
8 58 Machine learning PTH03303 3 2 1 Probability and Statistics PTH01001 2 Mandatory
8 59 Mathematical models in finance PTH03311 3 3 0 Analysis TH01012 2 Mandatory
8 60 Management Information Systems PTH03307 3 3 0 Databases PTH02005 2 Mandatory
8 61 Software testing PTH03112 3 2 1 Software engineering PTH03111 2 Optional
8 62 Artificial intelligence PTH03203 3 2,5 0,5 Data structures and Algorithms PTH02003 2 Optional
8 63 Stochastic simulation and applications PTH03306 3 2 1 Probability and Statistics PTH01001 2 Optional


9 64 Internship PTH03399 6 0 6 Software engineering PTH03111 2 Mandatory 3
9 65 Bioinformatics PTH03118 3 2 1 Advanced programming PTH02001 2 Mandatory
9 66 Soft computing PTH03313 3 2 1 Cơ sở toán học của hệ mờ PTH03312 2 Mandatory
9 67 Computer graphics PTH03202 3 2 1 Data structures and Algorithms PTH02003 2 Optional
9 68 IT project design and management PTH03315 3 2 1 Software engineering PTH03111 2 Optional
10 69 Graduation thesis PTH04399 10 0 10 Internship PTH03399 2 Mandatory  
10 70 Data processing in Agriculture PTH03119 2 1,5 0,5 Probability and Statistics PTH01001 2 Mandatory 10
10 71 Games and design techniques PTH03220 3 2 1 Data structures and Algorithms PTH02003 2 Mandatory
10 72 XML foundations PTH03221 2 1 1 Databases PTH02005 2 Mandatory
10 73 Decision support systems PTH03308 3 3 0 Databases PTH02005 2 Mandatory
Mandatory: 133 Credits
Optional: 17 Credits
Total: 150 Credits