Dr. Nguyễn Hoàng Huy’s paper is nominated for the GfKl Best Paper Award 2012

I am delighted to inform you that a scientific paper of our lecturer, Dr. Nguyễn Hoàng Huy, titled “Two step linear discriminant analysis for classification EEG data” given at the GfKl2012 is nominated for the GfKl Best Paper Award 2012. Dr. Nguyễn Hoàng Huy, Deputy-Head of Department of Applied Maths & Informatics, Faculty of IT, will attend the ECDA2013 in Luxembourg...

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Annoucement on the final examination date for K53 students

The faculty of IT has decided on the final examination date for K53 students: 17th to 18th of June, 2013 There will be five examination committees so that we can complete the work within the established time frame. Wishing K53 students all the best for your final exam. Dean, FITA

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‘Fire Burn’ youth entrepreneurship photos

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VNUA photos

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‘Fire Burn’ youth entrepreneurship, Agriculture Students

(DĐDN) – Nằm trong chuỗi các hoạt động của chương trình Khởi nghiệp 2013, chiều nay (18/5), Chương trình Giao lưu Khởi nghiệp khu vực Hà Nội tại Đại học Nông nghiệp Hà Nội chính thức diễn ra. Chương trình giao lưu nhằm tạo cơ hội cho thanh niên, sinh viên được giao lưu với các doanh nhân thành đạt, tiếp cận...

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