Introduction Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science was established on October 10th 2005 (the same day the Faculty of IT was established) on the basis of separation from the previous Informatics department. In the process of operation and development, the lecturers in the Department always try to improve their own capacity as well as actively participate in the general activities of the Faculty of Information Technology, contributing to building the growth of the Faculty of Information Technology and Vietnam National University of Agriculture more and more.

Learning to improve level

The lecturers in the Department always try to improve their professional competence. In addition, many lecturers improve their foreign language skills to be suitable for graduate students or graduate studies in countries with advanced science such as Italy, France, Austria, Germany, Australia, and Japan. Among 8 permanent lecturers of the Department, there are 2 PhDs, 5 Masters and 1 Bachelor.

Teaching and guiding practice

The Department of Computer Science teaches over 30 subjects for 6 undergraduate majors and 2 master’s majors. Together with the Department of Software Engineering, the Department of Computer Science teaches General Informatics for the whole Academy and a number of subjects for the output standards of some other branches of the Academy. In addition, some lecturers are also responsible for teaching some subjects for advanced programs in foreign fields. The lecturers always try to buld detailed outlines for each subject to suit the ability of students and update closely with the rapid development of the IT industry.

The Department of Computer Science are always dedicated in guiding students to graduate practice and professional practice to get the best results. Internship topics are always diverse and rich in both theory and practice, with practical and close problems for students to approach and demonstrate their own abilities.

Scientific research

Understanding scientific research helps we improve our professional capacity as well as gain a deeper understanding of the technical and technological developments of the times, and is also part of the responsibility to lead young researchers who are doing research. Sitting in the lecture hall, most of the lecturers of the Department of Computer Science always maintain scientific research activities suitable to their professional fields. More than 30 articles by lecturers in the subject have been published in prestigious national and international conference journals. A number of national and ministerial-level projects are assigned to faculty members of the Department to perform in the role of project leader. The lecturers actively participate in Academy-level projects and guide students in scientific research.

Details of scientific publications and scientific research topics of the Department of Computer Science are posted on the Department’s Scientific Research page.

The Department’s staff and  lecturers always try to fulfill our research and teaching tasks well, and continue to improve our research capacity, which contributes to promoting the research movement. The Department of Computer Sciences in particular, as well as the Faculty of Information Technology and the whole Academy in general have grown.