The goal of the LMPI project is help to secure companies systems and networks in Kazakhstan, Moldova and Vietnam, through professional training, human resources and developing the skills of the citizens of the countries concerned.
The project objectives are:
– bridge skills gaps in the design and maintenance of corporate computer systems security, improving the employability of students and specializing employees’ skills.
– professionalize the universities’ curricula in the development, administration, management and protection of computer systems and networks in accordance with the Bologna Process and with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and, to some extent, delocalize companies.
– create two new courses available in ODL for the development and protection of computer networks and information technology in enterprises, adapted to the needs of these last ones;
– create a Bachelor’s Degree in administration and management of computer systems and networks
– create a Master’s degree program in professional administration and management, with a specialization in security of computer systems and corporate networks;
– train, in each country, at least 270 students in the first year of the 2 new degree programs (180 in the Bachelor’s program; 90 in the first year of Master).
– Specialize 24 teachers in EU (10KZ, 8MD, 6 VN); digitize courses and learning resources.
-Create a lifelong training modular system in the same field of education and train 50 professionals per country.
-Create a center of excellence in each country, a resource center, supporting the new offer.
-write programs and course content, including digital resources that make them accessible in ODL.