
On the 10th of October 2005 the Faculty of Information Technology (FITA) of Hanoi University of Agriculture (HUA)  was officially established following the Decision No. 839/QĐ – NNI issued by the HUA Rector.  There was, however, an IT undergraduate programme had started two years earlier (Decision no. 439/ QĐ/BGD&ĐT-ĐH issued by Minister of MOET, Ministry of Education & Training, on January the 1st, 2002).
Nowadays, there are approximately 70 staff and 600 students in FITA. The faculty is in charge of two undergraduate education programmes, namely Informatics and IT Management. There are 5 departments in the faculty: Software Engineering, Computer Science, Applied Maths & Informatics, Mathematics, and Physics. The latter two departments (Mathematics and Physics) were established at the same time with that of the University in 1956. The departments of Software Engineering and Computer Science have foundation from the former Centre of Informatics which was established in the beginning of 1980s.

In recent years, although the number of students has not been increased, but quality of teaching staff has been improved remarkably considering number of staff who have Doctor/PhD degree. From 2011 to 2013 the number of Doctor/PhDs has been doubled to 10 persons.
And in the same way, the number of publications by the FITA staff has been increased continuously as seen by the following Figure. During the last 7 years, there were approximately 50 articles published in scientific journals/conference proceedings. There was an increased number of articles and presentations at international levels during the last 2-3 years.


Number of new students yearly in FITA:
